Our Solutions

Farm management and crop production come with enormous challenges. Our solutions are tailor-made to address and improve your operational processes so that you never have to worry about crop yield again. No matter what your agricultural worries are, there’s a product here at LV Agritech that suits your needs.

Our vast aggrotech solutions will get you winning at harvest time. Explore them to see why you need to begin operating the smart way.

Drone and Sensors-Based Data Collection

Drone and Sensors-Based Data Collection

With our high-quality drones and sensors, data collection on your fields have been made easier. Our installation process is easy so that your data collection system is quickly all set. These drones collect data relating to changes in your field, crop needs, soil health, and nitrogen levels. With our drones, you can figure out and properly implement the appropriate fertilizers for your crops.

Crop Management Systems

Get all your crop information in one place with our crop management systems. Whether you are preparing for the next planting season, are monitoring plants’ growth, or are planning to harvest, this tool will provide you all the insights that you need. With real time data on crop health, you will be able to improve productivity and make your farm operations seamless. Our crop management systems will provide you more ease with planting, growing, harvesting, and all aspects of farm operations.

Crop Management Systems
Soil Monitoring Sensors

Soil Monitoring Sensors

We have specialised sensors that monitor soil health and any changes detrimental to your crops. With advanced technology, you will be able to determine soil progression and favorable conditions. These sensors gather and transmit soil data to enable you make decisions relating to fertilizing, irrigation, and much more. A great soil equals great yield. Our software will keep your soil in shape for planting, growing, and harvest time.

Irrigation and Fertigation Monitoring and Scheduling Systems

Once you have determined soil health, you may want to schedule fertilization. If your crops are not getting enough water, are not being properly watered, or are taking in too much, you want controlled irrigation too. We have systems at LV Agritech that will help you monitor and schedule these needs. With this solution, you can manage your farm more easily and ensure the health of both soil and crops at all times.
If you have a large number of farms in your care, these tools can help you get ahead of the data on the go. Decision time is critical to farm productivity, and the agrotech systems that we provide ensure that you take the proper steps for farm and crop health at the right time.

Irrigation and Fertigation Monitoring and Scheduling Systems
Weather Monitoring Sensors and Control Systems

Weather Monitoring Sensors and Control Systems

Weather predictions are vital to viable farm operations and procedures. Our monitoring sensors and control systems will provide weather related data and forecasts so that you are always at the right point in your crop production process. Crop needs are closely linked to weather changes and they often require you to take fast steps in the right direction. With our weather monitoring sensors and control systems, you no longer have to worry about that.

Crop Disease Detection and Alert Sensors

Every farmer worries about crop diseases and pest infections. If these are not detected early, they would lead to poor production after all the hard work invested. Our crop disease detection systems can change this. With inbuilt alert sensors, you’ll get information about crop diseases regularly and quickly enough to take action steps for change. You would also get alerted to pest invasions and pest infections.

Crop Disease Detection and Alert Sensors

Fertilization Scheduling and Monitoring Solutions

Our systems allow you to determine when your soil needs some fertilizer. But it makes it easier than that by allowing you to schedule and monitor the process. You can get insights on crop performance after fertilization and reminders on subsequent fertilization days.

Field Analysis Software

We provide software that offers field analysis solutions. Our system gives you insights into the state of your field and enables you to set milestones in the crop production process. Field analysis solutions include weed mapping, tassel count, yield estimation, and much more. You don’t have to wait until harvest day before you know the quantity of produce to expect. You can forecast that right now. You can also get insights of continual weed invasion and make decisions on the go. With this tool, you recognize the extent of work available on your field and determine what operational processes should be utilized at all times.

Field Analysis Software
Crop Health Analysis Software

Crop Health Analysis Software

Our systems enable you to monitor crop health and ensure proper growth. With all the tools working in synchronization, you are able to see when your crops need to be tended to. You are able to address diseases quickly, control pests, enhance soil health and nutrient levels. All these go into ensuring that your crops are healthy at all times. You would also be able to analyse sudden changes in real time and make smart fast decisions. Crop health is critical to yield and being alerted to potential troubles quickly can enhance production. You know what this can do for your bottom line.

Terrain Mapping Solutions

Our software solutions provide analysis of topography including slope, erosions, elevation, aspect, and more. We provide analytics on these field features and interpret the derivatives encountered. Poor topography can affect soil nutrition content and crop yield. But there’s no need to worry because our system provides the data you need for topographical improvements. Although yield variability is a given, our terrain mapping solutions enable you to make predictions and utilize crop models that end up close enough to the quality and viability of your final produce.

Terrain Mapping Solutions

Our aggrotech solutions have a common mission which is to help you succeed with your crop production through enhanced processes.